Wednesday, October 27, 2010

YUCA joins effort to close Spofford

YUCA lent its support to the Close Spofford Campaign by joining concerned community members, parents, youth, activists, faith leaders, educators and others in hosting a community rally and speak-out to address youth and community concerns about New York City’s overreliance on jails and prisons.
The Spofford Juvenile Detention Center – renamed Bridges when it was reopened in 1998 – serves as an ugly reminder to the local community that New York City would rather invest in youth jails than in building and nurturing our youth.
Members of the campaign have been regularly meeting to organize greater community awareness around this issue throughout the last two years. YUCA artists helped brand the  initiative by creating collateral materials, a wide range of documents organizers used to promote themselves.


  1. If you consider the thousands of dollars that are spent on detention of our youth and the spiraling downward implications that has for their futures - in the form of lost educational and employment opportunities - it is no wonder that this society continues to perpetuate a lost generation of youth.

    Has it not been said that the integrity of a "civilized" society is measured by how we treat our population - including the least among us.

  2. And the other part of this that there exist among us - visionaries who are able to see what the human eye does not ... and who are committed to helping prevent the total lost of a generation.... by their deeds and civic duty. Thank you for your efforts.
