Monday, February 14, 2011

Replace Spofford with viable community based programs

Join the United to Stop Spofford campaign on March 23rd, 4-6pm as it gathers to demand the City close Spofford. Once the jail is permanently shut down, we are proposing the facility be turned over to the South Bronx community, and social programs be supported that ensure the success of our youth. 

Our kids need a variety of training initiatives. In addition to programs which offer classes in resume writing, interviewing skills, time management, many of our youngsters need basic life skills preparation. For example, training on how to communicate with adults, how to dress for an interview, and how to be on time. Computer literacy is also a programming area that would help them succeed. YUCA is presently providing technology and art training to students and hopes to extend this training to youth in or recently released from incarceration.

Young people who have been incarcerated are more likely to be repeat offenders as adults. Communities have a responsibility to try and help youth to ensure that this doesn't happen.Thus, various programming that will help them succeed is critically needed and, even desired by youth themselves. Educators, parents, community organizations, and clergy working together have a great opportunity to stem the tide and help high-risk youngster reach their God-given potential.

The rally will take place outside of the Bridges Juvenile Detention Center (formerly known as Spofford), located at 1221 Spofford Ave (Between Tiffany and Casanova Streets) in the Bronx.
For more information contact Avery Irons at 212-697-2323.